Bohadschia mitsioensis Cherbonnier, 1988: 38, fig. 12A-H; Samyn, 2003: 26.

Type data: EcHh 3545; North-East coast of Mitsio Id.(Madagascar); 40 m depth; coll. A. Crosnier; 15.II.1960; well preserved; poorly-relaxed; non-eviscerated; calcareous ring and associated structures removed from specimen.

Anatomical description: 153 mm long; 52-61 mm wide; morphology of bivium and trivium not discernable; mouth ventral; anus dorsal; dorsal body wall orange, mottled with white-yellow; ventral body wall uniform beige; tentacles with yellow to orange shaft and yellowish disc; dorsal appendages orange to brownish; ventral tube feet brownish; dorsal appendages spread regularly over bivium; ventral tube dispersed regularly over trivium; bivium and trivium not separated by lateral fringe of appendages; body wall 1-4 mm thick, smooth to the touch; number of tentacles could not be determined; radial plates with slightly indented posterior side; interradial plates narrower as radial ones; length radial plates 1.5 x longer than interradial ones; number of tentacle ampullae not determined; tentacle ampullae 18 mm long; Polian vesicle single, 12 mm long; stone canal(s) not observed; gonad with unramified tubules; longitudinal muscles bifid, wide, attached at edges; respiratory trees longer than half of body length; cloaca 35 mm long; Cuvierian tubules present.

Ossicle description: tentacles with smooth to slightly rough rods of various sizes; dorsal body wall with simple small granule-like rosettes; ventral body wall with simple, more open rosettes; ossicle assemblage of dorsal and ventral appendages could not be determined due to contraction of specimen; ossicle assemblage of anal papillae could not be determined; longitudinal muscles with simple rosettes; cloacal retractor muscles devoid of ossicles; cloaca with rosettes; respiratory trees with rosettes; gut devoid of ossicles

Known distribution: Mitsio Island (Madagascar).

Taxonomic decision: nomen inquirendum, comparison with the type material of B. marmorata Jaeger, 1833 needed.

Remarks: it is remarkable that the ossicles in the dorsal body wall are less complex than those in the ventral body wall because the reverse is generally true for Bohadschia spp. It is very possible that we made an inversion between the dorsal and ventral body wall when taking tissue (see also remarks with paratype).

For original description click here.

{morfeo 19}

Bohadschia cousteaui Cherbonnier, 1954: 252; Cherbonnier, 1955: 133, pl. 23, figs a-k; Cherbonnier, 1963:5; Cherbonnier, 1967: 55; Rowe, 1969: 130; Clark & Rowe, 1971: 176; Tortonese, 1977: 275; Humes, 1980: 87, 118; Price, 1982: 10; Cherbonnier, 1988: 44, fig. 15A-K; Samyn, 2000: 15; Samyn, 2003: 19, figs 7A-F, 551G, pl. 1G; Samyn et al., 2005: 15.

Bohadschia consteaui; Daniel & Halder, 1974: 417 (lapsus calami)

Type data: EcHh 1526 bis; Lith harbor, station N°9 Saudi Arabia; 2-6 m depth; coll. Calypso Expedition; 13.XII.1951 (18h); well preserved; well relaxed; specimen not dissected.

Anatomical description: 200 mm long; 43-60 mm wide; rest of external anatomy same as syntype 1. Internal anatomy same as in syntype 1.

Ossicle description: dorsal body wall with simple rosettes; other tissues not assessed.

Known distribution: Red Sea (Saudi Arabia, Gulf of Aqaba, Eilat), Kenya, Madagascar (Tuléar, îlot Tanikely), Comoros Archipelago (Grande Comore),

Taxonomic decision: valid species (confirmed after re-examination of holotype and other voucher specimens).

Remarks: Cherbonnier introduced the name Bohadschia cousteaui twice; once in 1954 and once in 1955 and this twice deliberately (indicated ‘nov. sp.’) to indicate a new species. However the description he gave was each time based on the same syntypes coming from Lith harbour. Bohadschia cousteaui Cherbonnier, 1954 is thus the senior objective synonym of B. cousteaui Cherbonnier, 1955.

For original description click here.

Find out more about this species by typing its name in the search engine e-species (information not verified by us).

{morfeo 13}


Actinopyga spinea Cherbonnier, 1980: 621, fig. 4A-J; Conand & Chardy, 1985: 295; Féral & Cherbonnier, 1986: 74 (colour plate); Conand, 1989: 19 ; Pawson, 1995: 188 Conand, 1998: 1171, textfigs + map.

Type data: EcHh 3109; Station 109, channel of the isle Canard (New Caledonia); 14 m depth; coll. ORSTOM; well preserved; well relaxed; dorso-longitudinal dissection; calcareous ring removed from specimen

Anatomical description: to be made later.

Ossicle description: to be made later.

Known distribution: Channel of the isle Canard (New Caledonia).

Taxonomic decision: valid species (confirmed after re-examination of holotype).

For original description click here.

{morfeo 85}

Bohadschia maculisparsa Cherbonnier & Féral, 1984: 672, fig. 7A-K, pl. 2B; Pawson, 1995: 188; Samyn, 2003: 26.

Type data: EcHh 3107; Lagoon close to Nouméa (New Caledonia); unknown depth; coll. Menou; 24.I.1980; well preserved; poorly-relaxed; non-eviscerated; ventro-longitudinal dissection.

Anatomical description: 320 mm long; 75-85 mm wide; bivium arched; trivium distinctly flattened; mouth ventral; anus subdorsal; dorsal body wall grey with brown patches; ventral body wall uniform white to beige; tentacles yellow-beige; dorsal appendages white to grey; ventral tube feet white; dorsal appendages spread regularly over bivium; ventral tube dispersed regularly over trivium; bivium and trivium not separated by lateral fringe of appendages; body wall 3-4.5 mm thick, smooth to the touch; 13 tentacles counted; radial plates with slightly indented posterior side; interradial plates as wide as radial ones; length radial plates 1.5 x longer than interradial ones; number of tentacle ampullae not determined; tentacle ampullae 35 mm long; Polian vesicle single, 40 mm long; stone canal(s) not observed; gonad not observed; longitudinal muscles bifid, wide, free at edges; respiratory trees longer than half of body length; cloaca 60 mm long; Cuvierian tubules present.

Ossicle description: tentacles with smooth rods of various sizes; dorsal body wall with simple rod-like to more complex rosettes; ventral body wall with rosettes; dorsal tube feet with branching rods and rosettes; ventral tube feet with elongated granules and rosettes; anal papillae with rosettes; longitudinal and cloacal retractor muscles devoid of ossicles; cloaca with rather stout distally bifurcating rods; git devoid of ossicles; presence of ossicles in gonad could not be ascerted.

Known distribution: Baie des Citrons (New Caledonia).

Taxonomic decision: valid species (confirmed after re-examination of the holotype).

For original description click here.


{morfeo 17}