Bohadschia maculisparsa Cherbonnier & Féral, 1984: 672, fig. 7A-K, pl. 2B; Pawson, 1995: 188; Samyn, 2003: 26.

Type data: EcHh 3107; Lagoon close to Nouméa (New Caledonia); unknown depth; coll. Menou; 24.I.1980; well preserved; poorly-relaxed; non-eviscerated; ventro-longitudinal dissection.

Anatomical description: 320 mm long; 75-85 mm wide; bivium arched; trivium distinctly flattened; mouth ventral; anus subdorsal; dorsal body wall grey with brown patches; ventral body wall uniform white to beige; tentacles yellow-beige; dorsal appendages white to grey; ventral tube feet white; dorsal appendages spread regularly over bivium; ventral tube dispersed regularly over trivium; bivium and trivium not separated by lateral fringe of appendages; body wall 3-4.5 mm thick, smooth to the touch; 13 tentacles counted; radial plates with slightly indented posterior side; interradial plates as wide as radial ones; length radial plates 1.5 x longer than interradial ones; number of tentacle ampullae not determined; tentacle ampullae 35 mm long; Polian vesicle single, 40 mm long; stone canal(s) not observed; gonad not observed; longitudinal muscles bifid, wide, free at edges; respiratory trees longer than half of body length; cloaca 60 mm long; Cuvierian tubules present.

Ossicle description: tentacles with smooth rods of various sizes; dorsal body wall with simple rod-like to more complex rosettes; ventral body wall with rosettes; dorsal tube feet with branching rods and rosettes; ventral tube feet with elongated granules and rosettes; anal papillae with rosettes; longitudinal and cloacal retractor muscles devoid of ossicles; cloaca with rather stout distally bifurcating rods; git devoid of ossicles; presence of ossicles in gonad could not be ascerted.

Known distribution: Baie des Citrons (New Caledonia).

Taxonomic decision: valid species (confirmed after re-examination of the holotype).

For original description click here.


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