With a lot of persuasion, Reen managed to get both Frank and Claude in cyberspace. Now they're really rocking;-)

Next November we will get the visit form Ms Jennifer Olbers, staff of Ezemvelo Kwa-Zulu Natal Wildlife and PhD student at the University of Cape Town. Jennifer prepares her PhD on the biodiversity and biogeography of the ophiuroids of South Africa. The aim of Jennifer's visit is twofold:

- get a crash course in ophiuroid taxonomy by nobody else than Frank Rowe (who'll be in Belgium the first half of Jennifer's visit)

- study the ophiuroid collection deposited in the Royal Museum for Central Africa.

To that occasion we decided to start putting online pdfs of relevant scientific papers.


Again and again, members of the AWG receive pictures of sea cucumbers from all over the world. Through collaborative effort, whereby we push tens of emails (often loaded with other pictures) through ethernet cables that cross oceans, we try to get to an identification which is as reliable as possible. We are always happy when we arrive to a consensus name. An then internet silence...

February 2009, we decide it’s high time to release our obtained data and conclusions in the deterministic chaos of cyberspace.

“Yeah, yeah lets do it” yelled  Claude, now full of energy because no more administration absorbs his mcsquare.