February 2009, we decide it’s high time to release our obtained data and conclusions in the deterministic chaos of cyberspace.

“Yeah, yeah lets do it” yelled  Claude, now full of energy because no more administration absorbs his mcsquare.

“OK, but let's keep our pants on so that we can decide how we’ll do it” the rest of us, replied. ‘Just Do It!’ Claude’s convincing voice replied while the man's right index finger pointed subtly to his blue Nike’s which were irregularly blotched with white due to a spill of bleach used for clearing holothuroid tissue. So we did it! We started out with iLife, but quickly found out that the software was to static for our purposes. Finally, and this after receiving professional advice from our beloved IT specialist Reen, we chose to use the freeware :جملة (in English this is joomla). The result of that decision you are now witness of.