Holothuria lucifuga Quoy & Gaimard, 1833: 134; Cherbonnier, 1952: 29, fig. 10, pl. 3, fig. 8; A.M. Clark, 1963: 383-384, Opinion 762, 1966: 15, 17.

Stichopus lucifugus; Panning, 1931: 107.

Type data: EcHh 3278; New Ireland (Papoua New Guinea); coll. Quoy & Gaimard, 1829; depth unknown; well preserved; poorly relaxed; ventro-longitudinal dissection; calcareous ring and anal side partly cut away.

Anatomical description: 28 mm long; 9 mm wide; bivium arched; trivium flattened; mouth terminal; anus terminal; dorsal body wall brown; ventral body wall beige; tentacle colour brownish; dorsal appendages brown; ventral tube feet beige; tube feet on bivium dispersed regularily; tube feet on trivium dispersed regularily; bivium and trivium not separated by a lateral fringe of appendages; body wall rough to the touch; body wall 2 mm thick; tentacles small, 13 counted; structure of calcareous ring not assessed; structure and number of tentacle ampullae not assessed; number of Polian vesicles could not be determined; number of stone canals could not be determined; gonad not assessed; longitudinal muscles bifid, wide and attached at edges; Cuvierian tubules not observed.

Ossicle description: tentacles with rugose rods; dorsal and ventral body wall with rugose rods, occassionaly branced distally; dorsal appendages with rods only; respiratory tree with smooth rods that are occassionaly branched distally; cloaca with smooth rods; longitudinal muscles devoid of ossicles; ossicle assemblage of the ventral tube feet, cloacal retractor muscles, gonad, gut and rete mirabile was not assessed.

Known distribution: known only from the type locality.

Taxonomic decision: senior subjective synonym of Holothuria (Selenkothuria) moebii Ludwig, 1883 (taxonomic decision based on the examination of the holotype of H. lucifuga and the description of H. moebii Ludwig, 1883 and other voucher specimens) (see also Cherbonnier, 1952). The name H. lucifuga Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 has – unfortunately – been suppressed under the plenary powers of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (Opinion 762), suite to a request by A.M. Clark (1963).

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