Class: Graticule


new ol.Graticule(opt_options) experimental

src/ol/graticule.js, line 20

Render a grid for a coordinate system on a map.

Name Type Description


Name Type Description
map ol.Map | undefined experimental

Reference to an ol.Map object.

maxLines number | undefined experimental

The maximum number of meridians and parallels from the center of the map. The default value is 100, which means that at most 200 meridians and 200 parallels will be displayed. The default value is appropriate for conformal projections like Spherical Mercator. If you increase the value more lines will be drawn and the drawing performance will decrease.

strokeStyle | undefined experimental

The stroke style to use for drawing the graticule. If not provided, the lines will be drawn with rgba(0,0,0,0.2), a not fully opaque black.

targetSize number | undefined experimental

The target size of the graticule cells, in pixels. Default value is 100 pixels.


getMap(){ol.Map} experimental

src/ol/graticule.js, line 321

Get the map associated with this graticule.

The map.

getMeridians(){Array.<ol.geom.LineString>} experimental

src/ol/graticule.js, line 357

Get the list of meridians. Meridians are lines of equal longitude.

The meridians.

getParallels(){Array.<ol.geom.LineString>} experimental

src/ol/graticule.js, line 393

Get the list of parallels. Pallels are lines of equal latitude.

The parallels.

setMap(map) experimental

src/ol/graticule.js, line 520

Set the map for this graticule. The graticule will be rendered on the provided map.

Name Type Description
map ol.Map
