Class: Icon

Set icon style for vector features.

new experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 22
Name Type Description


Name Type Description
anchor Array.<number> | undefined experimental

Anchor. Default value is [0.5, 0.5] (icon center).

anchorOrigin | undefined experimental

Origin of the anchor: bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left or top-right. Default is top-left.

anchorXUnits | undefined experimental

Units in which the anchor x value is specified. A value of 'fraction' indicates the x value is a fraction of the icon. A value of 'pixels' indicates the x value in pixels. Default is 'fraction'.

anchorYUnits | undefined experimental

Units in which the anchor y value is specified. A value of 'fraction' indicates the y value is a fraction of the icon. A value of 'pixels' indicates the y value in pixels. Default is 'fraction'.

color ol.Color | string | undefined experimental

Color to tint the icon. If not specified, the icon will be left as is.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined experimental

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

img Image | HTMLCanvasElement | undefined experimental

Image object for the icon. If the src option is not provided then the provided image must already be loaded. And in that case, it is required to provide the size of the image, with the imgSize option.

offset Array.<number> | undefined experimental

Offset, which, together with the size and the offset origin, define the sub-rectangle to use from the original icon image. Default value is [0, 0].

offsetOrigin | undefined experimental

Origin of the offset: bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left or top-right. Default is top-left.

opacity number | undefined experimental

Opacity of the icon. Default is 1.

scale number | undefined experimental


snapToPixel boolean | undefined experimental

If true integral numbers of pixels are used as the X and Y pixel coordinate when drawing the icon in the output canvas. If false fractional numbers may be used. Using true allows for "sharp" rendering (no blur), while using false allows for "accurate" rendering. Note that accuracy is important if the icon's position is animated. Without it, the icon may jitter noticeably. Default value is true.

rotateWithView boolean | undefined experimental

Whether to rotate the icon with the view. Default is false.

rotation number | undefined experimental

Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise). Default is 0.

size ol.Size | undefined experimental

Icon size in pixel. Can be used together with offset to define the sub-rectangle to use from the origin (sprite) icon image.

imgSize ol.Size | undefined experimental

Image size in pixels. Only required if img is set and src is not, and for SVG images in Internet Explorer 11. The provided imgSize needs to match the actual size of the image.

src string experimental

Image source URI. Required.



clone(){} experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 181

Clones the style.

The cloned style.

getAnchor(){Array.<number>} experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 221

Get the anchor point in pixels. The anchor determines the center point for the symbolizer.


getColor(){ol.Color} experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 267

Get the icon color.


getImage(pixelRatio){Image|HTMLCanvasElement} experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 278

Get the image icon.

Name Type Description
pixelRatio number

Pixel ratio.

Image or Canvas element.

getOpacity(){number} inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 54

Get the symbolizer opacity.


getOrigin(){Array.<number>} experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 320

Get the origin of the symbolizer.


getRotateWithView(){boolean} inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 64

Determine whether the symbolizer rotates with the map.

Rotate with map.

getRotation(){number} inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 74

Get the symoblizer rotation.


getScale(){number} inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 84

Get the symbolizer scale.


getSize(){ol.Size} experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 361

Get the size of the symbolizer (in pixels).


getSnapToPixel(){boolean} inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 94

Determine whether the symbolizer should be snapped to a pixel.

The symbolizer should snap to a pixel.

getSrc(){string|undefined} experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 352

Get the image URL.

Image src.

load() experimental

src/ol/style/icon.js, line 382

Load not yet loaded URI. When rendering a feature with an icon style, the vector renderer will automatically call this method. However, you might want to call this method yourself for preloading or other purposes.

setOpacity(opacity) inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 168

Set the opacity.

Name Type Description
opacity number


setRotation(rotation) inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 189

Set the rotation.

Name Type Description
rotation number


setScale(scale) inherited experimental

src/ol/style/image.js, line 200

Set the scale.

Name Type Description
scale number


Type Definitions{string}

Icon anchor units. One of 'fraction', 'pixels'.{string}

Icon origin. One of 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'top-left', 'top-right'.