All files / src/utils fetch-loader.js

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Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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 * Fetch based loader
 * timeout / abort / onprogress not supported for now
 * timeout / abort : some ideas here :
 * but still it is not bullet proof as it fails to avoid data waste....
class FetchLoader {
  constructor (config) {
    this.fetchSetup = config.fetchSetup;
  destroy () {}
  abort () {}
  load (context, config, callbacks) {
    let stats = {
      retry: 0
    let targetURL = context.url;
    let request;
    const initParams = {
      method: 'GET',
      mode: 'cors',
      credentials: 'same-origin'
    const headersObj = {};
    if (context.rangeEnd)
      headersObj['Range'] = 'bytes=' + context.rangeStart + '-' + String(context.rangeEnd - 1); /* jshint ignore:line */
    initParams.headers = new Headers(headersObj);
    if (this.fetchSetup)
      request = this.fetchSetup(context, initParams);
      request = new Request(context.url, initParams);
    let fetchPromise = fetch(request, initParams);
    // process fetchPromise
    let responsePromise = fetchPromise.then(function (response) {
      if (response.ok) {
        stats.tfirst = Math.max(stats.trequest,;
        targetURL = response.url;
        if (context.responseType === 'arraybuffer')
          return response.arrayBuffer();
          return response.text();
      } else {
        callbacks.onError({ text: 'fetch, bad network response' }, context);
    }).catch(function (error) {
      callbacks.onError({ text: error.message }, context);
    // process response Promise
    responsePromise.then(function (responseData) {
      if (responseData) {
        stats.tload = Math.max(stats.tfirst,;
        let len;
        if (typeof responseData === 'string')
          len = responseData.length;
          len = responseData.byteLength;
        stats.loaded = = len;
        let response = { url: targetURL, data: responseData };
        callbacks.onSuccess(response, stats, context);
export default FetchLoader;