All files / src/demux exp-golomb.js

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 * Parser for exponential Golomb codes, a variable-bitwidth number encoding scheme used by h264.
import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
class ExpGolomb {
  constructor (data) { = data;
    // the number of bytes left to examine in
    this.bytesAvailable = data.byteLength;
    // the current word being examined
    this.word = 0; // :uint
    // the number of bits left to examine in the current word
    this.bitsAvailable = 0; // :uint
  // ():void
  loadWord () {
      data =,
      bytesAvailable = this.bytesAvailable,
      position = data.byteLength - bytesAvailable,
      workingBytes = new Uint8Array(4),
      availableBytes = Math.min(4, bytesAvailable);
    if (availableBytes === 0)
      throw new Error('no bytes available');
    workingBytes.set(data.subarray(position, position + availableBytes));
    this.word = new DataView(workingBytes.buffer).getUint32(0);
    // track the amount of that has been processed
    this.bitsAvailable = availableBytes * 8;
    this.bytesAvailable -= availableBytes;
  // (count:int):void
  skipBits (count) {
    let skipBytes; // :int
    if (this.bitsAvailable > count) {
      this.word <<= count;
      this.bitsAvailable -= count;
    } else {
      count -= this.bitsAvailable;
      skipBytes = count >> 3;
      count -= (skipBytes >> 3);
      this.bytesAvailable -= skipBytes;
      this.word <<= count;
      this.bitsAvailable -= count;
  // (size:int):uint
  readBits (size) {
      bits = Math.min(this.bitsAvailable, size), // :uint
      valu = this.word >>> (32 - bits); // :uint
    if (size > 32)
      logger.error('Cannot read more than 32 bits at a time');
    this.bitsAvailable -= bits;
    if (this.bitsAvailable > 0)
      this.word <<= bits;
    else if (this.bytesAvailable > 0)
    bits = size - bits;
    if (bits > 0 && this.bitsAvailable)
      return valu << bits | this.readBits(bits);
      return valu;
  // ():uint
  skipLZ () {
    let leadingZeroCount; // :uint
    for (leadingZeroCount = 0; leadingZeroCount < this.bitsAvailable; ++leadingZeroCount) {
      if ((this.word & (0x80000000 >>> leadingZeroCount)) !== 0) {
        // the first bit of working word is 1
        this.word <<= leadingZeroCount;
        this.bitsAvailable -= leadingZeroCount;
        return leadingZeroCount;
    // we exhausted word and still have not found a 1
    return leadingZeroCount + this.skipLZ();
  // ():void
  skipUEG () {
    this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLZ());
  // ():void
  skipEG () {
    this.skipBits(1 + this.skipLZ());
  // ():uint
  readUEG () {
    let clz = this.skipLZ(); // :uint
    return this.readBits(clz + 1) - 1;
  // ():int
  readEG () {
    let valu = this.readUEG(); // :int
    if (0x01 & valu) {
      // the number is odd if the low order bit is set
      return (1 + valu) >>> 1; // add 1 to make it even, and divide by 2
    } else {
      return -1 * (valu >>> 1); // divide by two then make it negative
  // Some convenience functions
  // :Boolean
  readBoolean () {
    return this.readBits(1) === 1;
  // ():int
  readUByte () {
    return this.readBits(8);
  // ():int
  readUShort () {
    return this.readBits(16);
  // ():int
  readUInt () {
    return this.readBits(32);
   * Advance the ExpGolomb decoder past a scaling list. The scaling
   * list is optionally transmitted as part of a sequence parameter
   * set and is not relevant to transmuxing.
   * @param count {number} the number of entries in this scaling list
   * @see Recommendation ITU-T H.264, Section
  skipScalingList (count) {
      lastScale = 8,
      nextScale = 8,
    for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
      if (nextScale !== 0) {
        deltaScale = this.readEG();
        nextScale = (lastScale + deltaScale + 256) % 256;
      lastScale = (nextScale === 0) ? lastScale : nextScale;
   * Read a sequence parameter set and return some interesting video
   * properties. A sequence parameter set is the H264 metadata that
   * describes the properties of upcoming video frames.
   * @param data {Uint8Array} the bytes of a sequence parameter set
   * @return {object} an object with configuration parsed from the
   * sequence parameter set, including the dimensions of the
   * associated video frames.
  readSPS () {
      frameCropLeftOffset = 0,
      frameCropRightOffset = 0,
      frameCropTopOffset = 0,
      frameCropBottomOffset = 0,
      profileIdc, profileCompat, levelIdc,
      numRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle, picWidthInMbsMinus1,
      readUByte = this.readUByte.bind(this),
      readBits = this.readBits.bind(this),
      readUEG = this.readUEG.bind(this),
      readBoolean = this.readBoolean.bind(this),
      skipBits = this.skipBits.bind(this),
      skipEG = this.skipEG.bind(this),
      skipUEG = this.skipUEG.bind(this),
      skipScalingList = this.skipScalingList.bind(this);
    profileIdc = readUByte(); // profile_idc
    profileCompat = readBits(5); // constraint_set[0-4]_flag, u(5)
    skipBits(3); // reserved_zero_3bits u(3),
    levelIdc = readUByte(); // level_idc u(8)
    skipUEG(); // seq_parameter_set_id
    // some profiles have more optional data we don't need
    if (profileIdc === 100 ||
        profileIdc === 110 ||
        profileIdc === 122 ||
        profileIdc === 244 ||
        profileIdc === 44 ||
        profileIdc === 83 ||
        profileIdc === 86 ||
        profileIdc === 118 ||
        profileIdc === 128) {
      let chromaFormatIdc = readUEG();
      if (chromaFormatIdc === 3)
        skipBits(1); // separate_colour_plane_flag
      skipUEG(); // bit_depth_luma_minus8
      skipUEG(); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8
      skipBits(1); // qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag
      if (readBoolean()) { // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag
        scalingListCount = (chromaFormatIdc !== 3) ? 8 : 12;
        for (i = 0; i < scalingListCount; i++) {
          if (readBoolean()) { // seq_scaling_list_present_flag[ i ]
            if (i < 6)
    skipUEG(); // log2_max_frame_num_minus4
    let picOrderCntType = readUEG();
    if (picOrderCntType === 0) {
      readUEG(); // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4
    } else if (picOrderCntType === 1) {
      skipBits(1); // delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag
      skipEG(); // offset_for_non_ref_pic
      skipEG(); // offset_for_top_to_bottom_field
      numRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle = readUEG();
      for (i = 0; i < numRefFramesInPicOrderCntCycle; i++)
        skipEG(); // offset_for_ref_frame[ i ]
    skipUEG(); // max_num_ref_frames
    skipBits(1); // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag
    picWidthInMbsMinus1 = readUEG();
    picHeightInMapUnitsMinus1 = readUEG();
    frameMbsOnlyFlag = readBits(1);
    if (frameMbsOnlyFlag === 0)
      skipBits(1); // mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag
    skipBits(1); // direct_8x8_inference_flag
    if (readBoolean()) { // frame_cropping_flag
      frameCropLeftOffset = readUEG();
      frameCropRightOffset = readUEG();
      frameCropTopOffset = readUEG();
      frameCropBottomOffset = readUEG();
    let pixelRatio = [1, 1];
    if (readBoolean()) {
      // vui_parameters_present_flag
      if (readBoolean()) {
        // aspect_ratio_info_present_flag
        const aspectRatioIdc = readUByte();
        switch (aspectRatioIdc) {
        case 1: pixelRatio = [1, 1]; break;
        case 2: pixelRatio = [12, 11]; break;
        case 3: pixelRatio = [10, 11]; break;
        case 4: pixelRatio = [16, 11]; break;
        case 5: pixelRatio = [40, 33]; break;
        case 6: pixelRatio = [24, 11]; break;
        case 7: pixelRatio = [20, 11]; break;
        case 8: pixelRatio = [32, 11]; break;
        case 9: pixelRatio = [80, 33]; break;
        case 10: pixelRatio = [18, 11]; break;
        case 11: pixelRatio = [15, 11]; break;
        case 12: pixelRatio = [64, 33]; break;
        case 13: pixelRatio = [160, 99]; break;
        case 14: pixelRatio = [4, 3]; break;
        case 15: pixelRatio = [3, 2]; break;
        case 16: pixelRatio = [2, 1]; break;
        case 255: {
          pixelRatio = [readUByte() << 8 | readUByte(), readUByte() << 8 | readUByte()];
    return {
      width: Math.ceil((((picWidthInMbsMinus1 + 1) * 16) - frameCropLeftOffset * 2 - frameCropRightOffset * 2)),
      height: ((2 - frameMbsOnlyFlag) * (picHeightInMapUnitsMinus1 + 1) * 16) - ((frameMbsOnlyFlag ? 2 : 4) * (frameCropTopOffset + frameCropBottomOffset)),
      pixelRatio: pixelRatio
  readSliceType () {
    // skip NALu type
    // discard first_mb_in_slice
    // return slice_type
    return this.readUEG();
export default ExpGolomb;