The FAO publication on “Commercially Important Sea Cucumber of the World” has just been released.

The guidebook gives identifying features and photos for both the live and dried specimens, in addition to information on biology, ecology, fisheries and distribution. The is intended for fishery officers and managers, customs officers and researchers.

To receive a copy please contact Mr Alessandro Lovatelli (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by providing your full name, position, name of your institute, full mailing address and contact details (including your email address).

The book is to be cited as follows: Purcell, S.W., Samyn, Y. & Conand, C. 2012. Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 6. Rome, FAO. 150 pp., 30 colour plates.

A pdf of the book is posted on the FAO website here.

The HTML version can be seen here

A zipped version is to be downloaded here