Click on one of the original nominal species names below to get a pictorial impression of the species (including its ossicle assemblage), a concise description, its complete synonomy and citation list and its distribution.

Names are put in their original spelling and are ordered alphabetically according to genus name and then specific epithet.


Actinopyga caerulea Samyn, VandenSpiegel & Massin, 2006 / Holotype

Labidodemas quadripartitum Massin, Samyn & Thandar, 2004 / Holotype


Types in the Tervuren Museum are curated by Dr D. VandenSpiegel who can be reached on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Read more on the echinoderm types deposited in the Tervuren collection in:

Jangoux M., Massin Cl. 1986. Catalogue commenté des types d'Echinodermes actuels conservés dans les collections nationales belges. Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (Biologie), 56: 83-97. icon download here (3.2 MB)