Holothuria (Lessonothuria) duoturricula Cherbonnier, 1988: 119, fig. 48A-N; Samyn, 2003: 39.

Type data: EcHh 2655; N°AA-1, Ambatoloaka Beach, Nosi Be (Madagascar); collected in the intertidal; coll. G. Cherbonnier; 27.V.1960; well preserved; poorly relaxed; dissected ventro-longitudinally; calcareous ring was separated from the body.

Anatomical description: 50 mm long; 7-16 mm wide; bivium arched; trivium flattened; mouth ventral; anus terminal; dorsal body wall brown, mottled with beige; ventral body wall brown; tentacles brown; dorsal appendages beige; ventral tube feet light brown; dorsal appendages spread regularly over complete bivium; ventral tube feet in indistinct rows along the ambulacrae; bivium and trivium not separated by lateral fringe of appendages; body wall ±1 mm thick, rough to the touch; 23 tentacles counted; radial plates with a slightly indented posterior side, interradial plates narrower than radial ones, radial plates approximately two times longer than interradial ones; number of tentacle ampullae could not be determined; number of Polian vesicles could not be determined; presence of stone canals could not be determined; gonad not observed; longitudinal muscles bifid, very wide, flat, attached at edges. Cuvierian tubules absent.

Ossicle description: tentacles with rods, swollen at ends; dorsal body wall with tables and buttons, table disc perforated by a central hole and one circle of peripheral perforations, rim spiny, spire with short pillars with 0-1 crossbeams ending in a open spiny crown; buttons irregular,, twisted, with 4-8 holes; ventral tube feet with tables similar to those of body wall, regular buttons with 4-6 pairs of holes and perforated plates with up) to 6 rows of holes; longitudinal muscles, gut and cloaca devoid of ossicles; ossicle assemblage of dorsal appendages, cloacal retractor muscles, gonad, respiratory tree and rete mirabile could not be determined.

Known distribution: Nosi-Bé, Madagascar.

Taxonomic decision: valid species (confirmed after re-examination of the holotype).

For original description click here.


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