Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) albofusca Cherbonnier, 1988: 114, fig. 46A-O; Samyn et al., 2001: 104, 107; Samyn & Massin, 2003: 2489, figs 1A-E, 11A, 12A-B (colour plate); Samyn, 2003: 45, 47; Thandar & Samyn, 2004: 255; Thandar, 2007:22, fig. 9.
Type data: EcHh 2770; Nossi-Bé, Navetsy (Madagascar); unknown depth; coll. G. Cherbonner; X/1959; well preserved; well relaxed; specimen non-dissected.
Anatomical description: 120 mm long; 10-25 mm wide; bivium arched; trivium flattened; mouth ventral; anus terminal; dorsal body wall dark brown; ventral body wall dark beige; tentacles grey-beige; dorsal appendages brown; ventral tube feet beige; dorsal appendages spread in indistinct rows over bivium; distribution of tube feet in trivium in distinct rows; bivium and trivium not separated by lateral fringe of appendages; body wall ±1 mm thick, rough to the touch; 18 tentacles counted; structure of the calcareous ring and its attached structures and the whole internal anatomy was not assessed.
Ossicle description: tentacles with smooth to slightly rough rods of various sizes; dorsal body wall with tables with smooth disc with 4 central and a single ring of peripheral holes, 4 pillars united by a single cross beam and a simple narrow crown and smooth buttons generally perforated by three pairs of holes; ventral body wall with similar deposits as those from the dorsal body wall;; dorsal appendages with tables, buttons and rods; ventral tube feet with tables, buttons and perforated plates;longitudinal muscles with O-shaped ossicles; ossicle assemblage of cloacal retractor muscles, gonad, cloaca, respiratory tree, rete mirabile and gut was not assessed.
Known distribution: Madagaascar (Nosy Bé), Republic of South Africa (KwaZula Natal).
Taxonomic decision: valid species (confirmed after re-examination of the holotype and paratype and other voucher specimens).
Remarks: a complete re-description of this species can be found in Samyn & Massin (2003: 2489).
For original description click here.
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