Bohadschia cousteaui Cherbonnier, 1954: 252; Cherbonnier, 1955: 133, pl. 23, figs a-k; Cherbonnier, 1963:5; Cherbonnier, 1967: 55; Rowe, 1969: 130; Clark & Rowe, 1971: 176; Tortonese, 1977: 275; Humes, 1980: 87, 118; Price, 1982: 10; Cherbonnier, 1988: 44, fig. 15A-K; Samyn, 2000: 15; Samyn, 2003: 19, figs 7A-F, 551G, pl. 1G; Samyn et al., 2005: 15.

Bohadschia consteaui; Daniel & Halder, 1974: 417 (lapsus calami)

Type data: EcHh 1526 tertio; Lith harbor, station N°9 Saudi Arabia; 2-6 m depth; coll. Calypso Expedition; 13.XII.1951 (18h); well preserved; well relaxed; ventro-longitudinal dissection.

Anatomical description: 200 mm long; 43-60 mm wide; rest of external anatomy same as syntype 1. Internal anatomy not assessed

Ossicle description: dorsal body wall with simple rosettes; other tissues not assessed.

Known distribution: Red Sea (Saudi Arabia, Gulf of Aqaba, Eilat), Kenya, Madagascar (Tuléar, îlot Tanikely), Comoros Archipelago (Grande Comore),

Taxonomic decision: valid species (confirmed after re-examination of holotype and other voucher specimens).

Remarks: Cherbonnier introduced the name Bohadschia cousteaui twice; once in 1954 and once in 1955 and this twice deliberately (indicated ‘nov. sp.’) to indicate a new species. However the description he gave was each time based on the same syntypes coming from Lith harbour. Bohadschia cousteaui Cherbonnier, 1954 is thus the senior objective synonym of B. cousteaui Cherbonnier, 1955.

For original description click here.

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