Category: Paris Museum
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Holothuria (? Theelothuria) turriscelsa Cherbonnier, 1980: 644, fig. 15A-L, Pl. 1E.

Holothuria (Theelothuria) turriscelsa; Féral & Cherbonnier, 1986: 92, fig. 40M ; Kerr et al., 1992: 209, fig. 3f, pl. 1d; Pawson, 1995: 189; Erhardt & Baensch, 1998: 1089, colour plate; Massin, 1999: 53, figs 42a-l, 43 (map); Samyn, 2000: 15; Samyn & Van den Berghe, 2000: 5, 17, 27, pl. 2A-B (colour plate); Samyn, 2003: 78, figs 31A-G, 54F (map).

Type data: EcHh 3084; East side of Thio & Cap Berg (New Caledonia); coll. ORSTOM, 1979 (at night); 15-20 m depth; well preserved; well relaxed; ventro-longitudinal dissection; calcareous ring and attached structures removed from specimen.

Anatomical description: 195 mm long; 35-74mm wide; bivium arched; trivium distinctly flattened; mouth ventral; anus terminal; dorsal body wall dark brown; ventral body wall clear brown; tentacles yellow-beige; ventral tube feet beige; dorsal appendages beige; dorsal appendages spread regularly over complete bivium; ventral tube feet spread regularly over trivium; bivium and trivium not separated by lateral fringe of appendages; body wall 4,5-5 mm thick, smooth to the touch; 17 tentacles counted (two or three cut away); radial plates with straight posterior side; interradial plates 2 times narrower than radial plates; radial plates 1,5 times as long as interradial plates; number of tentacle ampullae could not be determined; number of Polian vesicles could not be determined; no stone canals observed; gonad not observed; longitudinal muscles bifid, wide, flat, attached at edges; respiratory tree longer than 1/2 body length; cloaca 7 mm long; Cuvierian tubules present.

Ossicle description: tentacles with curved spiny rods, occassionally perforated distally; dorsal and ventral body wall with tables with disc perforated by four central holes and 1-3 rings of peripheral holes, spiny rim, 4 pillars, 1-2 cross beams ending in a narrow spiny crown and very nodulouse buttons perforated by up to 6 pairs of holes; dorsal and ventral appendages with tables as in body wall and with large rods widened and perforated distally and centrally; longitudinal and cloacal retractor muscles, cloaca and gut devoid of ossicles; ossicle assemblage of gonad and rete mirabile was not assessed.

Known distribution: Indonesia (Sulawesi), Mariana Islands (Guam), New Caledonia, Society Islands, Kenya (Pemba Island, Kiunga Marine reserve), Tahiti.

Taxonomic decision: valid species in the subgenus Thhelothuria (confirmed after examination of holotype and other voucher specimens); here designated senior subjective synonym of Holothuria viridia Cherbonnier, 1986.

Remarks: The gut of the specimen contains reddish mud; this probably explains the somewhat darker than usual coloration of the specimen.

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