Holothuria timama Lesson, 1830: 118, pl. 43; Lampert, 1885: 94; Théel, 1886: 240; Clark A.M., 1963: 383ss; Opinion 762, 1966: 15ss; Melville & Smith, 1987: 301.
Holothuria timana (lapsus calami); Panning, 1931: 117; Cherbonnier, 1951a: 295; Cherbonnier, 1951b: 396, figs 1a-r, 2a-g.
Holothuria (Metriatyla) timana; Rowe & Gates, 1995: 295; Marsh & Morrison, 2004: 339.
Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra; Vandenspiegel, Ovaere, Massin, 1992: 168, figs 2, 3A-E, 4A-G (non H. (M.) scabra Jaeger, 1833).
Holothuria scabra var. versicolor Conand, 1986: 19; Conand, 1991: 170; Conand & Byrne, 1993: 3ss; Conand, 1998: 1180, textfig. + map; Conand, 1999: 10ss; Forbes et al., 1999: 38 (colour plate); Hamel et al., 2001: 146ss, fig. 4B; Conand, 2004: 14, fig. 1(4); Baine, 2004: 120; Rasoloforinina et al., 2004: 137; Tuwo, 2004: 51; Uthicke et al., 2005: 261ss, fig. 1B-D; Purcell, 2005: 31, fig. 2b; Ivy & Giraspy, 2006: 28ss, figs 1-4.
?Holothuria scabra var. versicolor; Schoppe, 2000: 119 (colour plate); Pouget, 2005: 23.
Holothura aculeata; Cherbonnier, 1951a: 298 (non H. aculeata Semper, 1868); Catala, 1979: 245, fig; 91 (colour plate) (non H. aculeata Semper, 1868); Rowe & Gates, 1995: 295 (cited as a synonym of H. timana (sic) (= H. lessoni Massin et al., 2009.).
Holothuria (Metriatyla) aculeata; Rowe, 1969: 160 (partim, records from East Indies only); Clark & Rowe, 1971: 176 (partim, records from East Indies only); Marsh et al., 1993: 64; Marsh, 1994: 11.
Holothuria (Metriatyla) lessoni Massin et al. 2009: 41, figs 1A-D, 3A-G, 4A-H, 5A-C)
Type data: EcHh 544; Xaiego Island (Indonesia); unknown depth; coll. Lesson & Garnot; 1829; only buccal aparatous remains.
Anatomical description: cannot be provided given the state of the holotype.
Ossicle description: cannot be provided as no tissue available on the holotype.
Known distribution: see Massin et al. 2009: 46, tab. 1.
Taxonomic decision: nomen dubium replaced by Holothuria (Metriatyla) lessoni Massin et al., 2009.
For original description click here.
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