1..28 # ->clear() ok 1 - ->clear() clears all parameters ok 2 - ->clear() clears all parameters # ->get() ok 3 - ->get() returns the parameter value for the given key ok 4 - ->get() returns null if the key does not exist ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - ->get() returns a reference for the given key ok 10 - ->get() takes the default value as its second argument # ->getNames() ok 11 - ->getNames() returns all key names # ->getAll() ok 12 - ->getAll() returns all parameters # ->has() ok 13 - ->has() returns true if the key exists ok 14 - ->has() returns false if the key does not exist ok 15 - ->has() returns true if the key exist, even if the value is null # ->remove() ok 16 - ->remove() removes the key from parameters ok 17 - ->remove() removes the key from parameters ok 18 - ->remove() takes a default value as its second argument ok 19 - ->remove() removes the key from parameters # ->set() ok 20 - ->set() sets the value for a key ok 21 - ->set() sets the value for a key, not a reference # ->setByRef() ok 22 - ->setByRef() sets the value for a key ok 23 - ->setByRef() sets the value for a key as a reference # ->add() ok 24 - ->add() adds an array of parameters ok 25 - ->add() adds an array of parameters, not a reference # ->addByRef() ok 26 - ->add() adds an array of parameters ok 27 - ->add() adds a reference of an array of parameters # ->serialize() ->unserialize() ok 28 - sfParameterHolder implements the Serializable interface # Looks like everything went fine.