1..20 ok 1 - ->validate() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded definition is not an array ok 2 - ->validate() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the loaded definition is not a valid array # ->load() # parameters ok 3 - ->load() return emty parameters array for an empty array definition ok 4 - ->load() converts array keys to lowercase ok 5 - ->load() return emty services array for an empty array definition # ->load() # services ok 6 - ->load() parses service elements ok 7 - ->load() converts service element to sfServiceDefinition instances ok 8 - ->load() parses the class attribute ok 9 - ->load() parses the shared attribute ok 10 - ->load() parses the shared attribute ok 11 - ->load() parses the constructor attribute ok 12 - ->load() parses the file tag ok 13 - ->load() parses the argument tags ok 14 - ->load() parses the configurator tag ok 15 - ->load() parses the configurator tag ok 16 - ->load() parses the configurator tag ok 17 - ->load() parses the method_call tag ok 18 - ->load() parses the method_call tag ok 19 - ->load() parses aliases ok 20 - ->load() parses aliases # Looks like everything went fine.