1..109 # ->getLanguages() ok 1 - ->getLanguages() returns an empty array if the client do not send an ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header ok 2 - ->getLanguages() returns an empty array if the client send an empty ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header ok 3 - ->getLanguages() returns an array with all accepted languages ok 4 - ->getLanguages() returns an array with all accepted languages # ->getPreferredCulture() ok 5 - ->getPreferredCulture() returns the first given languages if no parameter given ok 6 - ->getPreferredCulture() returns the first given culture if the client do not send an ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header ok 7 - ->getPreferredCulture() returns the preferred culture ok 8 - ->getPreferredCulture() returns the preferred culture # ->getCharsets() ok 9 - ->getCharsets() returns an empty array if the client do not send an ACCEPT_CHARSET header ok 10 - ->getCharsets() returns an empty array if charsets are already defined ok 11 - ->getCharsets() returns an empty array if the client send an empty ACCEPT_CHARSET header ok 12 - ->getCharsets() returns an array with all accepted charsets # ->getAcceptableContentTypes() not ok 13 - ->getAcceptableContentTypes() returns an empty array if the client do not send an ACCEPT header # Failed test (./sfWebRequestTest.php at line 113) # got: array ( 0 => '*/*', ) # expected: array ( ) ok 14 - ->getAcceptableContentTypes() returns an empty array if acceptableContentTypes are already set ok 15 - ->getAcceptableContentTypes() returns an empty array if the client send an empty ACCEPT header ok 16 - ->getAcceptableContentTypes() returns an array with all accepted content types # ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() ok 17 - ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() returns an empty array if the header is empty ok 18 - ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() returns an array of values ok 19 - ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() strips the q value ok 20 - ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() sorts values by the q value ok 21 - ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() sorts values by the q value including equal values ok 22 - ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() trims whitespaces ok 23 - ->splitHttpAcceptHeader() removes values when q = 0 (as per the RFC) # ->getRequestFormat() ->setRequestFormat() ok 24 - ->getRequestFormat() returns null if the format is not defined in the request ok 25 - ->getRequestFormat() returns the request format ok 26 - ->setRequestFormat() sets the request format # ->getFormat() ->setFormat() ok 27 - ->getFormat() returns the format for the given mime type if when is set as initialisation option ok 28 - ->getFormat() returns the format for the given mime type ok 29 - ->setFormat() can take an array of mime types ok 30 - ->getFormat() returns null if the mime type does not exist # ->getMimeType() ok 31 - ->getMimeType() returns the first mime type for the given format ok 32 - ->getMimeType() returns null if the format does not exist # ->isSecure() ok 33 - ->isSecure() returns false if request is not secure ok 34 - ->isSecure() checks the HTTPS environment variable ok 35 - ->isSecure() checks the HTTPS environment variable ok 36 - ->isSecure() checks the HTTPS environment variable ok 37 - ->isSecure() checks the HTTP_SSL_HTTPS environment variable ok 38 - ->isSecure() checks the HTTP_SSL_HTTPS environment variable ok 39 - ->isSecure() checks the HTTP_SSL_HTTPS environment variable ok 40 - ->isSecure() checks the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO environment variable ok 41 - ->isSecure() not checks the HTTP_SSL_HTTPS environment variable when trust_proxy option is set to false ok 42 - ->isSecure() not checks the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO environment variable when trust_proxy option is set to false # ->getUriPrefix() ok 43 - ->getUriPrefix() returns no port for standard http port ok 44 - ->getUriPrefix() works fine with no port in HTTP_HOST ok 45 - ->getUriPrefix() works for nonstandard http ports ok 46 - ->getUriPrefix() returns no port for standard https port ok 47 - ->getUriPrefix() works fine with no port in HTTP_HOST ok 48 - ->getUriPrefix() works for nonstandard https ports ok 49 - ->getUriPrefix() uses the SERVER_PORT environment variable ok 50 - ->getUriPrefix() uses the SERVER_PORT environment variable ok 51 - ->getUriPrefix() uses the configured port ok 52 - ->getUriPrefix() uses the configured port ok 53 - ->getUriPrefix() works on secure requests forwarded as non-secure requests ok 54 - ->getUriPrefix() uses the configured port on secure requests forwarded as non-secure requests # ->getRemoteAddress() ok 55 - ->getRemoteAddress() returns the remote address # ->getForwardedFor() ok 56 - ->getForwardedFor() returns null if the request was not forwarded. ok 57 - ->getForwardedFor() returns the value from HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR # ->getClientIp() ok 58 - ->getClientIp() returns the value from HTTP_CLIENT_IP if it exists ok 59 - ->getClientIp() returns the first HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if it exists ok 60 - ->getClientIp() returns the remote address even if HTTP_CLIENT_IP exists when proxy argument is set to false ok 61 - ->getClientIp() returns the remote address even if HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR exists when proxy argument is set to false ok 62 - ->getClientIp() returns remote address by default ok 63 - ->getClientIp() returns the remote address even if HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR exists when trust_proxy is set ot false # ->getGetParameters() ->getGetParameter() ok 64 - ->getGetParameters() returns GET parameters ok 65 - ->getGetParameter() returns GET parameter by name # ->getPostParameters() ->getPostParameter() ok 66 - ->getPostParameters() returns POST parameters ok 67 - ->getPostParameter() returns POST parameter by name # ->getMethod() ok 68 - ->getMethod() returns GET by default ok 69 - ->getMethod() returns GET if the method is GET ok 70 - ->getMethod() returns PUT if the method is PUT ok 71 - ->getMethod() set POST parameters from parsed content if content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the method is PUT ok 72 - ->getMethod() returns DELETE if the method is DELETE ok 73 - ->getMethod() set POST parameters from parsed content if content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the method is DELETE ok 74 - ->getMethod() returns DELETE if the method is HEAD ok 75 - ->getMethod() returns the sf_method parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST ok 76 - ->getMethod() returns the sf_method parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST ok 77 - ->getMethod() returns the sf_method parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST ok 78 - ->getMethod() returns the sf_method parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST ok 79 - ->getMethod() returns the sf_method parameter value if it exists and if the method is POST # ->isMethod() ok 80 - ->isMethod() returns true if the method is POST # ->isXmlHttpRequest() ok 81 - ->isXmlHttpRequest() returns true if the method has HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH to XMLHttpRequest # ->getCookie() ok 82 - ->getCookie() returns value of cookie # ->getScriptName() ok 83 - ->getScriptName() returns the script name ok 84 - ->getScriptName() returns the script name if SCRIPT_NAME not set it use ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME ok 85 - ->getScriptName() returns the script name if SCRIPT_NAME and ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME not set it return empty # ->getPathInfo() ok 86 - check if default path_info_key is PATH_INFO ok 87 - ->getPathInfo() returns the url path value ok 88 - ->getPathInfo() returns the url path value use path_info_key ok 89 - ->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not exists use default REQUEST_URI ok 90 - ->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not exists use default REQUEST_URI without query not ok 91 - ->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not exists use default / # Failed test (./sfWebRequestTest.php at line 449) # got: '/test/klaus2' # expected: '/' # -setRelativeUrlRoot() ->getRelativeUrlRoot() ok 92 - ->getRelativeUrlRoot() return computed relative url root ok 93 - ->getRelativeUrlRoot() return previously set relative url root # ->addRequestParameters() ->getRequestParameters() ->fixParameters() ok 94 - ->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters default array ok 95 - ->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters ok 96 - ->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters allready exists ok 97 - ->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters check fixParameters call for special _sf_ params ok 98 - ->getAttribute() check special param is set as attribute # ->getUrlParameter() ok 99 - ->getUrlParameter() returns URL parameter by name # ->checkCSRFProtection() ok 100 - ->checkCSRFProtection() throws a validator error if CSRF protection fails ok 101 - ->checkCSRFProtection() checks token from BaseForm # ->getContentType() ok 102 - ->getContentType() returns the content type ok 103 - ->getContentType() strips the charset information by default ok 104 - ->getContentType() does not strip the charset information by defaultif you pass false as the first argument # ->getReferer() ok 105 - ->getContentType() returns the content type # ->getHost() ok 106 - ->getHost() returns the last forwarded host ok 107 - ->getHost() returns the host ok 108 - ->getHost() returns the host even if forwarded host is define when trust_proxy option is set to false # ->getFiles() ok 109 - ->getFiles() return clean array extracted from $_FILES # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 109.