1..9 # ->clean() ok 1 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile instances ok 2 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile ok 3 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile with an empty original name if the name is not passed in the initial value ok 4 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile with a computed file size if the size is not passed in the initial value ok 5 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile with a guessed content type ok 6 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile ok 7 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile with an empty original name if the name is not passed in the initial value ok 8 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile with a computed file size if the size is not passed in the initial value ok 9 - ->clean() returns an array of sfValidatedFile with a guessed content type # Looks like everything went fine.