Please read the following terms carefully before using this website. By registering and using this website, you agree to abide by the terms explained in this page. If you do not agree to abide by these terms and conditions, please do not register.
The darwin website aims to enhance public access to the Institute’s scientific collections and provide specific services and information to registered users. The Royal Belgian Institute of natural Sciences (rbins) aims to keep this information accurate. If errors are brought to its attention, it will do its best to correct them. However, the rbins cannot guarantee that all information on the website is always complete and correct. The database, catalogs, lists and all the information it contains remain the property of the Institute. All information found on this website and the darwin application come from the original specimen labels. Therefore, different classifications can be found, as well as the use of several synonyms for the scientific names. Type status is indicated following the International Code of nomenclature, although other type statuses can also be present. rbins shall not be liable for any delay or services' failure. The Institute reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue on a temporary or permanent basis any section or page of this website, in whole or in part, at any time and for any reason without prior notice to the users, and shall not be liable to users or to any third party for any such modification, suspension, or discontinuance. Users of the darwin website agree to use the services only for its intended purposes and agree that they will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts these it services.
Visitors to the website may register and create a personal account profile on the website to become a darwin user and gain access to further information and services through the darwin application. Both Institutions and private persons may register to become users. Users agree that any registration information given will always be accurate, correct and up to date. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their passwords and are fully responsible for all activities that occur through their account. The rbins does not retain liability or responsibility for such usage. Users’ data will not be passed onto or sold to any third parties. rbins does reserve the right to use the users’ email address to notify users of new functionalities and/or major version upgrades.
Registered users will have the possibility of saving their search criteria and/or search results in a private area within the darwin application. To obtain more information with regards to the collections, the user will have to send a request to the responsible collection manager. The email addresses of all collection managers can be found on the corresponding specimen record pages. A registered user can also obtain temporary or permanent online access to non-public collections upon authorisation granted by the responsible collection manager. Information content stored in the user’s private area cannot be altered and is accessible in view only. The user will retain full control of his access account, saved criteria and/or search results.
If you have any comments or queries in connection with these terms of use, please contact us through the details shown on the contact page. Feedback from the users about our darwin website and application is highly appreciated.