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Error: error:infdig
Infinite $digest Loop

{0} $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: {1}


This error occurs when the application's model becomes unstable and each $digest cycle triggers a state change and subsequent $digest cycle. Angular detects this situation and prevents an infinite loop from causing the browser to become unresponsive.

For example, the situation can occur by setting up a watch on a path and subsequently updating the same path when the value changes.

$scope.$watch('foo', function() {
  $ = $ + 1;

One common mistake is binding to a function which generates a new array every time it is called. For example:

<div ng-repeat="user in getUsers()">{{ }}</div>


$scope.getUsers = function() {
  return [ { name: 'Hank' }, { name: 'Francisco' } ];

Since getUsers() returns a new array, Angular determines that the model is different on each $digest cycle, resulting in the error. The solution is to return the same array object if the elements have not changed:

var users = [ { name: 'Hank' }, { name: 'Francisco' } ];

$scope.getUsers = function() {
  return users;

The maximum number of allowed iterations of the $digest cycle is controlled via TTL setting which can be configured via $rootScopeProvider.