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Error: error:uterdir
Unterminated Directive

Unterminated attribute, found '{0}' but no matching '{1}' found.


This error occurs when using multi-element directives and a directive-start attribute fails to form a matching pair with a corresponding directive-end attribute. A directive-start should have a matching directive-end on a sibling node in the DOM. For instance,

  <tr ng-repeat-start="item in list">I get repeated</tr>
  <tr ng-repeat-end>I also get repeated</tr>

is a valid example.

This error can occur in several different ways. One is by leaving out the directive-end attribute, like so:

  <span foo-start></span>

Another is by nesting a directive-end inside of directive-start, or vice versa:

  <span foo-start><span foo-end></span></span>

To avoid this error, make sure each directive-start you use has a matching directive-end on a sibling node in the DOM.